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Q. What kind of gear is required?

ANY type of CAMERA- all the batteries, memory cards that go with it.
A tripod if you have one- not REQUIRED but will allow you to get some solid photos and go out at night if there is an interesting location.

Good walking shoes/boots- there are a few trails on most of the trips – you can choose to go or stay closer to the car and do something with less walking. If the weather changes it is good to have solid boots or shoes that can get wet!

Layers- weather changes frequently this time of year- it has been warm into the 70’s all the way to below 32 degrees which can be a bit cold if you aren’t dressed for it.

Most important is a good attitude! Someone who likes to see new things and be a little flexible to changes in the weather will enjoy this.

Q.  Pricing ? What is included in the Classic Fall Photo tour?

The pricing if it is the Classic Fall Photo tour includes lodging- a room with 1 bed and bathroom and a seat in a comfortable vehicle- may or may not be the front seat, transportation from the meeting spot at the Airport to all Photo Locations

A guide - I have been traveling and photographing New England (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts since 2003)

The “Mystery Fall Photo tour” is 7 days – the price does not include lodging, or shared transportation. I can arrange all the lodging and transportation- it is cheaper overall than the New England trip- the destination is not as popular as New England in the fall.

For current up-to-date pricing please see here

Q. What kind of lodging do you book?

I book lodging that is comfortable and close to where we will be photographing. First choice I make for lodging is something that is not a chain- something that is locally owned such as a bed and breakfast or inn. Some of the lodging does have stairs only- but if you tell me that stairs are an issue I can make sure to limit the number of locations with stairs. I am always available to help with luggage and getting you comfortable in your room.

One of my favorite locations is a Farmhouse with a barn on the property! Another is one of the first motor court motels in New England. All lodgings have been rated well in Trip Advisor and unless I have to book something last minute I have personally stayed in each and every lodging choice. I try to go back and visit my “friends” who care about their rooms and how their guests are treated.  Many of the lodging choices have photography opportunities literally right on or within walking distance of the property. This is sometimes important as there may be a morning someone prefers a bit of extra sleep while the rest of us go to a further location.

We often change lodging every night so packing light is important!

Q. what is a typical day like on your photo tour?

We usually have a sunrise location to photograph that is pre-selected- I have many favorites, but Mother Nature sometimes does not always agree with my plans, so there have been a few times when we have to make slight changes- photograph indoors or coffee shop and critique images.

After a sunrise location- usually about an hour or two we will have a sit down breakfast- in a local place, get a real meal.

Photograph another few hours- some driving possibly.

Lunch break - we typically choose a nice place for a noon time lunch but sometimes we run a tad later on lunch like 1pm or so.

Photograph - sometimes about an hour or 2 of driving with stops along the way and we continue photographing until sunset.

Our evening meal is always after sunset- so that tends to be 7pm generally, sometimes a bit later depending where our sunset location was and where our night lodging will be.

Night shots - after dark depend on weather and location. There are many wonderful small classic New England Villages with lit churches, bell towers and street lights that are a joy to take some night photography. If you have never tried to photograph at night it is fun and I will show you- the new cameras are capable of seeing more than our eyes!

For those that don’t wish to venture out you will have a comfortable room to retire to and a warm bed!

Depending on our group- there is sometimes time for some shopping or locations where we will pick a time to meet back and you are on your own to roam, photograph etc.

Q. How many stops-how many images can I plan on getting?

My photo trips are all about getting as many images as YOU want- pacing somewhat is based on what we see. I have “planned stops” every day but sometimes Mother Nature does not always agree with us- rain or maybe the colors in that spot are not appealing. We move on. I am always looking for the UNEXPECTED stop i.e. the sky, the trees or a unique something...and participants are encouraged to ask to STOP whenever they see something, time allowing.

This is not a fast food cheap sleep trip though. Part of enjoying New England is getting to taste the seasonal foods, walk around some fine artist's shops and if we stumble on some other happenings to take it in. Weekends in New England are full of fairs, pumpkin carving contests and more! All make fun stops and all add to our photography.


Q. Do you teach post processing or photo editing?

The quick answer is NO. We do not spend anytime inside learning Photoshop or Lightroom or any other computer programs. This Photo trip is just that, being outside as much as possible and doing some traveling.  I may put more miles on our vehicle than some of the other Photo Tours and trips out there but my goal is to provide as many different Fall Foliage Subjects such as barns, covered bridges, waterfalls, etc for you to photograph! This time of year and the locations I have chosen are just bursting with photo subjects! Sometimes at the end of the day we sit and make a list of all of the photo stops because we have forgotten where we started at the beginning of the day!

Q. Do you do any teaching- will I learn anything?

Yes. However what I will teach you is more about learning to SEE. AS well as the  elements of a good image i.e. COMPOSITION, PLACEMENT & IMPACT.

I have a degree in Fine Art and do a lot of Fine Art Photography and I have a strong interest in Nature and history. Besides hunting for wonderful FALL COLOR, seeing where other famous artists lived and worked is inspiring. Robert Frost, Grandma Moses and Andrew Wyeth just to name a few spent many years in New England. Also, New England is one of the oldest places that we can trace our United States history to and many of these cities hold architectural treasures.

Learning to capture what you see is something I am available to help you with. However, we are out to CREATE and CAPTURE not to get bogged down with technical settings and assignments.

I want you to return with images that you will want to proudly hang on your wall and share with family or have your own Art Gallery Showing! Many of my past participants have sold their images or have had them win prizes in Photo Competitions.

Q. What AGE goes on your trip-tour?

Past participants have tended to be anywhere from 22 to 82 and every age in between. More important than AGE is being able to do some walking and carry your own camera!The trip is going to appeal to those who enjoy Photography, taking pictures and seeing the best of New England! Those that appreciate a memorable meal and seeing some history as well as chasing FALL COLORS! If you like FOOD (which I do!) this trip will not disappoint!

ANY age over 21 is welcome and I hope you will consider joining me!

Your Photo Travel Guide
Ph: 818.723.7413






Proud direct descendant and Supporter of The Weeks Brick House

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